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Date : 2008-09-01
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List of weapons in the American Civil War Wikipedia ~ The American Civil War fought between the Union and Confederate forces took place from 1861 to 1865 During the war a variety of weapons were used on both sides These weapons include edged weapons such as knives swords and bayonets firearms such as rifledmuskets breech loaders and repeating weapons various field guns such as artillery and new weapons such as the early grenade and machine gun The Civil War is often to referred as the first modern war in history as it included the m
Civil War Weapons ~ Civil War Guns The civil war brought many advancements in gun technology most notably the widespread use of rifled barrels Popular rifles used in the civil war include the Springfield rifle the Lorenz rifle the Colt revolving rifle Lean more about Civil War Guns Civil War Swords and Sabers Swords were still used widely in the civil war
Weapons of the Civil War NCpedia ~ Weapons of the Civil War By Matthew Kent North Carolina State University 2013 War is a driving force behind innovation and invention and every change or advancement in weapons technology impacts the tactics and the style of warfare utilized at the time
Civil War Weapons ~ Civil War Weapons Common Civil War Weapons Civil War Weapons rifles pistols Popular Civil War Weapons used by both Union and Confederacy
Civil War Weapons Civil War Academy ~ Examples of Civil War Rifles • Sharps Rifle • Spencer Rifle • Springfield Model 1861 • Henry Rifle • Parrot Rifle • Whitworth Cannon • Napoleon Cannon • Ordnance Rifle
Civil War Weapons ~ Designed and named for the French Emperor Napoleon III Napoleon was the workhorse gun of the Civil War artillery The cast of bronze the smoothbore Napoleon was capable of firing a 12pound solid ball shell case shot or canister Both sides deployed this versatile gun in large numbers
Civil War Weapons Flashcards Quizlet ~ Start studying Civil War Weapons Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools
Civil War Weapons and Technology ~ The Civil War was the first major war that involved ironclad ships These were ships that were protected by steel or iron armor plates They were nearly impossible to sink with conventional weapons and forever changed the way ships were used in battle At the same time the Civil War introduced submarines into naval warfare
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