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Date : 2010-12-01
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Category : Book

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Your three natural body cycles what we go Better Raw ~ During the hours between 8PM and 4AM your body is in the Assimilation Cycle This is the time you are most likely to be relaxed or sleeping This period is when all the ‘assimilating’ or absorbing of nutrients and minerals from your food occurs and gets transported to your organs bones and cells via the blood
Stages of Menstrual Cycle Menstruation Ovulation ~ Ovulation happens at around day 14 if you have a 28day cycle — right in the middle of your menstrual cycle It lasts about 24 hours After a day the egg will die or dissolve if it isn’t
The 8 Moon Phases How They Affect Your Body And Mind ~ Scientifically A new moon is when the sun and the moon are on the same side of the Earth Because the sun is not facing the moon from our perspective on Earth it looks like the dark side of the moon is facing us Spiritually The new moon represents the menses menstrual cycle and historically
10 Things That Mess With Your Period ~ Unfortunately a little variation is typical The average cycle is 28 days—thats 28 days between the first day of one period and the first day of your next period—but anywhere in between 24
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