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Date : 2010-02-01
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Camels Asian Animals Lyn Ann Sirota 9781429648448 ~ Camels Asian Animals Lyn Ann Sirota on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Bactrian camels roam grasslands and rocky deserts Learn all about these rugged travelers and their habitats in Camels
Bactrian Camel The Twohump Asian Camel Animal ~ Bactrian Camel The Twohump Asian Camel The Bactrian Camel is one of two surviving species of camel In the wild they are critically endangered with just 800 camels roaming around in small areas of central Asia
Bactrian Camel National Geographic Animals ~ Bactrian camels live not in shifting Sahara sands but in Central and East Asias rocky deserts Temperatures in these locales can become searingly hot—over 100°F in summer
Camels All About Camels Facts Information Pictures ~ Camels are eventoed ungulates meaning ‘hoofed animals’ There are several groups of ungulate mammals whose weight is distributed about equally by the third and fourth toes as they move around Camels are native to the dry desert areas of western Asia and central and east Asia The name camel comes from the Greek kámēlos from …
camel Bactrian Dromedary Facts Britannica ~ Camel either of three species of ruminating hoofed mammals of arid Africa and Asia known for their ability to go for long periods without drinking The Arabian camel or dromedary Camelus dromedarius has one back hump and the domesticated Bactrian camel C bactrianus and wild Bactrian camel C ferus have two
Where and When Camels Were Domesticated ThoughtCo ~ Asian camels were and are used for transportation but also for their milk dung hair and blood all of which were used for various purposes by nomadic pastoralists of the deserts The Bactrian camel Camelus bactrianus two humps resides in central Asia especially Mongolia and China
Amazing Facts about the Camel OneKindPlanet Animal Education ~ Amazing Facts About the Camel Camels are social animals who roam the deserts in search of food and water with up to 30 other individuals With the exception of rutting males competing for females camels are very peaceful animals who rarely exhibit aggression
Bactrian camel Wikipedia ~ The Bactrian camel Camelus bactrianus is a large eventoed ungulate native to the steppes of Central has two humps on its back in contrast to the singlehumped dromedary camel Its population of two million exists mainly in the domesticated form Their name comes from the ancient historical region of Bactria Domesticated Bactrian camels have served as pack animals in inner Asia
Camels For Sale Exotic Animals ~ Camels For Sale Camels Camels belong to an animal family referred to as camelids which includes camels vicunas llamas and alpacas There are two subspecies of camels the Dromedary camel which has one hump and Bactrian which have two humps The humps on the camel store fatty tissues for sustenance of the animal during extreme drought
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