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Cleopatra Biography Facts Britannica ~ Cleopatra Egyptian queen famous in history and drama as the lover of Julius Caesar and later as the wife of Mark Antony She became queen on the death of her father Ptolemy XII in 51 BCE and ruled until 30 BCE when she and Antony committed suicide after their forces were beaten by the Roman armies of Octavian
Cleopatra Wikipedia ~ The Bust of Cleopatra in the Royal Ontario Museum represents a bust of Cleopatra in the Egyptian style Dated to the mid1st century BC it is perhaps the earliest depiction of Cleopatra as both a goddess and ruling pharaoh of Egypt
Cleopatra Queen Cleopatra VII ~ Cleopatra was not actually Egyptian but of Greek descent her family having ruled Egypt for over three centuries She was born in 69 BC Died on August 12 30 BC She is officially known as the last pharaoh of Egypt Her son Cesarion was killed before he could succeed her to the throne
Cleopatra Discovering Ancient Egypt ~ Cleopatra was of Macedonian descent and not a native Egyptian She was the second daughter of King Ptolemy XII and the last sovereign of her dynasty which had been founded by Alexander’s general Ptolemy in 326 BC She came to power in 51 BC at the age of seventeen
Ancient Egyptian Biography for Kids Cleopatra VII ~ Cleopatras family had ruled Egypt for 300 years They were the Ptolemy dynasty that had been established by the Greek ruler Alexander the Great Even though they ruled Egypt they were actually of Greek descent Cleopatra grew up speaking reading and writing Greek
Cleopatra VII Ancient History Encyclopedia ~ Cleopatra VII c 6930 BCE reigned 5130 BCE was the last ruler of Egypt before it was annexed as a province of Rome Although arguably the most famous Egyptian queen Cleopatra was actually Greek and a member of the Ptolemaic Dynasty 32330 BCE which ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great 356323 BCE
Cleopatra VII Facts Accomplishments Death Biography ~ Cleopatra was an Egyptian queen who had affairs with Romes Julius Caesar and Marc Antony She and Antony were defeated by Octavian in the battle at Actium Learn more at
Cleopatra Full Movie Ancient Egypt Film ~ Cleopatra the famed Egyptian Queen born in 69 is shown to have been brought by Roman ruler Julius Caesar at age 18 Caesar becomes sexually obsessed by the 18 year old queen beds her and
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