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Date : 2009-01-01
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How to Survive and Prepare for an Earthquake ~ Prepare an Emergency Kit You’ll need emergency earthquake supplies for your home vehicle and work Preparedness Before the Earthquake Surviving an earthquake largely depends on the steps you take before the quake even hits
4 Ways to Survive an Earthquake wikiHow ~ To survive an earthquake if youre inside drop to your hands and knees and get under a sturdy table or another piece of stable furniture Once youre safe cover your neck and head to protect them from falling debris If you’re outside move to an open space away from anything that can fall like a tree
35 Tips to Survive an Earthquake Urban Survival Site ~ What to Do in The Days Following an Earthquake Do not go into any buildings made of bricks or cement If your home is unstable put up a tent or make a shelter on your property Do not drink any water from the tap It could be contaminated Rely on your food and water supply to sustain you
Surviving the earthquake Prepare Survive Recover ~ PREPARE First we take a look at how to prepare for a quake with Chris Nance of the California Earthquake Authority Annde Ewertsen of Earthquake Brace Bolt and Ken Hudnut of the US
Earthquake Guide How To Stay Safe Prepared ~ Keep your earthquake survival kit in an easily accessible place – even in the event of a severe earthquake partially collapsing your home A survival kit does you no good if it’s trapped under several feet of rubble which is why a garden shed or someplace outside your home is a good spot
Earthquake Safety Tips How to Survive Geology ~ Teach all members of your family about earthquake safety This includes 1 the actions you should take when an earthquake occurs 2 the safe places in a room such as under a strong desk or along interior walls and 3 places to avoid such as near windows large mirrors hanging objects heavy furniture and fireplaces
How to Survive an Earthquake Secrets of Survival ~ The earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault are a result of this plate motion The plates are moving horizontally past one another so California is not going to fall into the ocean However Los Angeles and San Francisco could one day be adjacent to one another if enough time was allowed to elapse 15 Ways To Survive An Earthquake
How To Survive In An Earthquake American Gun Association ~ Earthquakes are one of several natural disasters that can affect just about anyone no matter where you live You may not be able to control the damage caused by an earthquake but knowing what to expect how to prepare and what to do when the earthquake hits can help you prevent a fate much worse than damaged property
Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety CUSEC ~ The information in the steps linked below will help you learn how to better prepare to survive and recover wherever you live work or travel Prepare BEFORE the next big earthquake we recommend these four steps that will make you your family or your workplace better prepared to survive and recover quickly
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