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Date : 2010-02-01
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Toad amphibian Britannica ~ Toad any squat roughskinned tailless amphibian of the order Anura and especially a member of the family Bufonidae The true toads Bufo with more than 300 species are found worldwide except in Australia Madagascar polar regions and Polynesia though Bufo marinus has been introduced into Australia and some South Pacific islands
Toads National Wildlife Federation ~ Like frogs toads are amphibians They differ from most frogs because they have dry skin warts crests behind the eyes and parotoid glands The parotoid glands produce a poisonous secretion that helps the toad defend itself from predators This substance called a bufotoxin can cause death in small animals and allergic reactions in humans
Toad Wikipedia ~ Toads like many amphibians exhibit breeding site fidelity philopatry Individual American toads return to their natal ponds to breed where they are likely to encounter siblings as potential mates Although inbred examples within a species is possible siblings rarely mate Toads recognize and avoid mating with close kin
Are Toads Reptiles or Amphibians Animal Questions ~ Toads are considered amphibians Amphibians are coldblooded vertebrates that undergo a larval stage and metamorphosis before becoming adults pollywogs and tadpoles are frog or toad larvae Amphibians need to keep their skin damp so it doesn’t dry out and they usually mate and lay their eggs in water
Amphibians for Kids Frogs Salamanders and Toads ~ e a full grown frog Types of Amphibians Frogs Frogs are amphibians of the order anura They generally have a short body webbed fingers and toes bulging eyes and no tail Frogs are good jumpers with long powerful legs Toads are a type of frog Two species of frogs are the American bullfrog and the poison dart frog
frog Definition Species Habitat Classification ~ Frog any of various tailless amphibians belonging to the order Anura Used strictly the term may be limited to any member of the family Ranidae true frogs but more broadly the name frog is often used to distinguish the smoothskinned leaping anurans from squat warty hopping ones which are called toads
Are Frogs and Toads the Same Wonderopolis ~ Frogs and toads are both members of the same class — Amphibia — which means that theyre both amphibians Amphibians are coldblooded vertebrates that spend the early part of their lives in water breathing with gills and the rest of their lives on land breathing with lungs
Facts About Frogs Toads Live Science ~ Redeyed tree frogs Agalychnis callidryas are colorful amphibians found in the tropical lowlands of Central America where the animals hunt after dark for their insect prey The frogs are
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